The river Kokra
In the lower part of the river, to the concrete bridge at the dam in Oljarica in the village Britof live mostly graylings, brown trouts, rainbow trouts and chubs, the chubs cannot be found upstream from Britof but the grayling can be spotted in the dam at Preddvor.

The fishing is allowed with barbless artificial fly.
Possibility of fishing:
- brown trout
- european chub
- rainbow trout
- grayling
Type of fishing: fly fishing
Allowed baits: artificial fly
For more information and online licence purchase please visit this web site.

The lake Planšarsko jezero
It was meant for tourist purposes only and its highest depth is 2m, the natural habitants are small brown trouts, who migrate upstream in the winter time, when the lake is covered in ice. RD puts in rainbow trouts every year and they grow really fast because the water is rich with little crustaceans.
Possibility of fishing:
Type of fishing: fly fishing, spin fishing
Allowed baits: artificial baits, artificial fl
For more information and online licence purchase please visit this web site.