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TIC Jezersko
TEL: +386 51 219 282
Ski Descent of Jezersko's Skiing Roots
You are invited to the traditional Ski Descent of Jezersko's Skiing Roots. The competition will take place on Carnival Sunday, March 2, at 2:00 PM at the Jaga Baba ski slope in Park Jezersko.
Registration and Entry Fee:
- A symbolic gift worth 10 EUR can be submitted at the Jezerjan store until Saturday, March 1, by 5:00 PM.
- Registration on the day of the competition takes place at the start at 2:00 PM, with the START at 2:30 PM.
Non-competitors are also welcome to contribute symbolic gifts.
- Women: 25 to 100 years
- Men: 30 to 100 years
The expert committee will announce the results and present awards at the location immediately after the competition.
You are warmly invited!
KUD Jezersko